From the Pioneer Network Events Calendar

The Double Whammy of Ageism and Ableism

Mel Coppola

By now you’ve probably heard some buzz around ageism-the prejudice of people based on their age. And hopefully you have gained some awareness around it and are taking steps against it—after all, you WILL grow old. But how much have you thought about ableism-the prejudice of someone based on their different abilities, whether physical or cognitive? None of us want to think of ourselves as prejudiced, but we make assumptions based on age and ability more than we think. Especially in the work that we do, these two “isms” collide on a daily basis. In this webinar we will discuss the intersection of ageism and ableism and the double whammy it has for the people we support.

The Double Whammy of Ageism and Ableism
45 minutes / FREE
Wednesday, April 17, 2:00 – 2:45 pm EST
(note: this webinar is on WEDNESDAY, not Thursday)

Mel Coppola: 
As President and Owner of Hearts in Care, Mel works closely with all types of organizations involved in Eldercare. Through presentations, articles, coaching and trainings to organizations across the spectrum of care, she spreads the word that aging and care CAN be different, no matter someone’s cognitive and/or physical abilities. In addition to being an active Eden Educator and Mentor, Mel is also a Florida licensed Assisted Living Administrator and serves as an Executive and Steering Committee member of Florida Pioneer Network, the state’s culture change coalition.


2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
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