Having Fun at the Conference!

It may be over…but the learning and sharing continues!
If you weren’t able to attend the conference or you were there, and of course, with so many sessions, you couldn’t get to everything you wanted to do, there are still opportunities to be a part of it all!

We are offering the opportunity to watch five sessions that we recorded at the conference free of charge. 

The following sessions are available online:

A4: Diminished Capacity: Compassion and Support, Not Control

with Susan Wehry

B4: Recruiting Employees that Share Your Pioneer Values
with Sue Misiorski and Anna Ortigara

C4: Living Our Aspirations, Promote Resident Empowerment: Resident-led Initiatives to Bridge the Gap Between Generations 
with David Kent, Denis Zafirovski, and Sami Kermani

D4:  The Stigma of Being Other: Exploring the Prejudices of Aging and Care 
with Mel Coppola and Kim McRae

E10:  Peer Enabled Dementia Care – Using Group Problem Solving to Promote Relationship Focused, Resident-Centered Care 
with Sanet du Toit

To watch the session recordings:
Visit our website, or download Pioneers Connect 2017, the official App of the Pioneer Network. Not only will that provide you with easy access to all of the resources we have on our website, but also the resources specific to the conference, including session handouts.

The Pioneer Network Team wants to learn, too!
If you attended this year’s conference, you have a chance to help the team at Pioneer Network keep on learning and finding better ways to advance the mission!   All you have to do is complete the on-line 2017 Pioneer Network Conference Survey.  If you have already done this, thank you!  If not, remember that everyone who completes the survey will be entered for a chance to win a free registration to the 2018 Conference in Denver.