Care Planning
Person-directed care planning is a process of collaborating with elders to honor their choices.
Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk
Honoring Preferences When the Choice Involves Risk is a tool to support long term care communities in honoring residents’ choices that influence quality of care and quality of life, while mitigating potential risks associated with those choices.
Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory
The Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) is a scientifically validated tool to assess individual preferences for social contact, personal development, leisure activities, living environment, and daily routine. The questionnaire is designed to spark conversations about individual preferences, lay the foundation for building trusting relationships, and promote care plans and service delivery that honor client preferences. For nursing homes, 16 of the PELI items are consistent with the MDS 3.0 Section F. Preferences for Customary Routine and Activities.
Storyboard Communication Map for Engaging Staff in Individualizing Care
A companion to the Engaging Staff in Individualizing Care Starter Toolkit