
Wise, compassionate leadership is an essential part of the culture change journey. Here are some necessary resources for leadership development.

Change: Managing It to Drive Success

Discover foundational building blocks that support successful change and an array of examples and ideas describing ways that leaders have encouraged, managed and driven change to provide better lives for residents and staff alike.

Compassionate Leadership in Action

Jill Vitale-Aussem, Donna Moore, and Deke Cateau share the beliefs and values that guide their leadership philosophies and discuss how they have put them into action to grow and support a culture of compassion in their organizations. They also provide tangible ideas you can take away as you work to support and grow a culture of compassion in your organization.

Human Resources, Interrupted: Improving Retention Through Innovative Employee Engagement Practices

Learn how one senior living organization reduced employee turnover by uprooting old practices and maximizing employee and resident human capital.

Introduction to Critical Element Pathways (CEP): Using the Physical Restraint CEP to Support Reduction of Alarms

Insights into the Critical Element Pathways, a tool that you can use in your quality improvement program as you monitor and improve practices in your nursing home.

The Process Behind the Passion: How Your Care Community Can Support Person-Directed Care

This session presents the findings of a comparison of environment and practices between a traditional nursing home to a Green House home.

Working Together to Find Our Way to Yes

How many times have you or your team had a great idea about how to do something in your community, and you want to say ‘yes,’ but are stopped short because it might be too risky, or the biggest reason heard, that the regulations say you can’t do it.