
Providing person-directed care and support to all is the goal, including those living with dementia. Check out these practical applications and tips.

Breaking through Dementia: Validation

Validation is a method of communication that helps improve the connection between caregivers and older adults experiencing dementia.

Can People with Dementia Read?

Shake up conventional notions about what it means to read and what adult text should look like.

Dementia Competencies and How to Choose Good Education

An overview of the Competency Guide for Dementia Care: Direct Care Worker Workforce Development

Give the Gift that Keeps Giving

A conversation with Brian LeBlanc about how to make the holidays the best they can be not only for persons living with dementia but for their Care Partners and for each of us.

Improve Your Dementia Support: You Can Start Tomorrow

Park Springs and Shenandoah Valley Westminster Canterbury have come together to share top-drawer ideas and some things to consider that any community, regardless of resources, can do tomorrow to build their dementia support capacity. Their top ten list includes things you can implement quickly that will have a big impact on your residents, their families, and your employees.