Supporting Individuals Living with Dementia
Resources from experts to support the unique needs of those living with dementia.
Resources from experts to support the unique needs of those living with dementia.
Quick Tips Resources
Contributed by: Ohio Council for Cognitive Health
Pioneer Network is pleased to be partnering with the team at Dementia Friends Ohio to bring you this series of Quick Tip Resources, offering a wealth of information at your fingertips in downloadable PDF handouts.
Covid-19 Support and Resources
Contributed by: Health Professions Press
Check out their support and complementary resources including
- Recommendation for providing Dementia Care at a Distance
Tips and Tools
Contributed by: Center for Applied Research in Dementia
- Smelling Jars Activity At a time of limited outside contact, let’s focus on stimulating our senses! This Smelling Jars activity can be done with a small group or one-on-one. It provides practice identifying and discriminating different scents, especially those familiar to participants. It also stimulates long term memories and discussion of those memories.
- AGD signs – English External aids can provide extra support for people with memory impairments. AG&D has created these three examples to post within sight of isolated people to help them understand why they are alone, confined to their room, and why their habits have changed. Adapt the signs to meet the specific needs of an individual, and to prevent or relieve anxiety. To use, read the sign together with the person, ensuring it is meaningful to them, and display it on a wall or table where the person can see it. If possible, the person it is for should help to post it.
- AGD Coronavirus short story – English Reading groups can facilitate engagement and interaction, and in this case, help to understand why there have been changes to typical daily routines. Memory care residents at EHPAD Mathilde Laurent in France have written a story, to be read by other residents, to explain what Coronavirus is and how to stop the spread. Thanks to AG&D Montessori Lifestyle, we have an English translation to help ease some anxiety and answer questions residents may have. Print a booklet for each person and read as a small group or one-to-one. Add discussion questions along the way to encourage interaction and engagement.
Virtual Roadtrip
Contributed by: AGE-u-cate
AGE-u-cate and its Virtual Road Trip series provides a monthly introduction to some of the most creative voices in the aging and dementia field.
Check out the recordings of prior Virtual Road Trips
Fun, Playful and Up-Lifting Ways to Move Our Bodies, Exercise Our Brains and Release Some Stress.
Move our Bodies and Exercise our Brains with Ageless Grace®
Alzheimer’s Speaks
Contributed by: Alzheimer’s Speaks: Shifting Our Dementia Care Culture
Shifting Dementia Care from Crisis to Comfort
Tips from Megan Hanan, developer of PersonFirst® Program
Contributed by: Action Pact
Action Pact shares a quick little video to share with caregivers and other staff who engage directly with residents, as well as the opportunity to sign up for the FREE weekly email, “In Pursuit of the Sunbeam,” that delivers a printable flyer, more videos – all with ideas for maximizing normalcy, reducing anxiety and even having fun during the Covid-19 era.
Healing Moments
Contributed by: Healing Moments for Alzheimer’s
Resources for family and informal caregivers for learning to communicate and connect.
COVID-19 Resource Center
Contributed by: Dementia Action Alliance
Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) offers a COVID-19 resource center