U.S. News Samantha Costa The following article was reprinted with permission of U.S. News. It was originally printed in conjunction with the release of U.S. News & World Report’s new ratings of skilled nursing facilities, which goes into more depth than the… Read more
Month: November 2016
5 Tips for Team Building
Allison Duda Manager of Inspiration and Operations, DRIVE Do you struggle with recruitment and retention? Research shows that the median turnover in skilled nursing homes is about 44%, with a cost of several thousand dollars per replacement.How can you address… Read more
Culture Change… Why is it so Hard?
Joan Devine, Director of Education, Pioneer Network As we approach the 20th anniversary of the convening of the original Pioneers who came together to start this revolution to change the culture of aging, we often find ourselves asking the question,… Read more
Person-Directed Dining: Don’t Let Fear Keep You From Providing Choice
By Diane Hall, RD, LD, NHA, President, Balanced Senior Nutrition and author of The Inside Scoop on Informed Choice: A Step-by-Step Guide for Individualizing Diets. Mrs. Callan (in future, Mrs. C) pushed her plate away. Enough was enough. She wasn’t going… Read more