Pioneer Networking and the Culture Change Movement

We are glad you are interested in staying up to date with the latest news and events in the culture change movement.  Check back here regularly to read blog posts from both Pioneer Network staff and other culture change and person-directed care experts.

Doing Better Together: Lessons for Oakland

David Farrell  Vice President of Subacute Services for Telecare Corporation, Alameda, CA The following is an excerpt from David’s journal, the first chapter in Doing Better Together: Long-term Care Leaders’ Guide to High Performance, by Cathie Brady, David Farrell, and… Read more

WHO is Pioneer Network?

Joan Devine Director of Education, Pioneer Network When someone asks me what Pioneer Network is, I typically lead with something from the Mission and Vision statements. I tell them we are an organization that has been in existence for 20… Read more

Ten Myths about Ageing and Health

Ashton Applewhite Activist and Author Reprinted from  This Chair Rocks Blog All around the world, people are living longer-a basic hallmark of human progress, and a triumph of public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) is in the public health… Read more

Walking Partners: Invigorating Walking Participation in all Ages

Tracey Harvey National Program Director Wellness Services EnerG® by Aegis Therapies Introduction by Joan Devine, Director of Education, Pioneer Network Maintaining the “highest practicable level” of wellness. How many times have we read that phrase in the regulations or heard… Read more

Answering the Call to Action

Rose Marie Fagan Co-Founder and Founding Executive Director Pioneer Network I was so brand new to long term care that I had never even been in a nursing home before. So I viewed the field with fresh eyes. And this… Read more

Transforming Discouragement

By Judy Ryan,  Owner Operator of LifeWork Systems “Inferiority feelings rule the mental life and can be clearly recognized in the sense of deficiency and dissatisfaction, and in uninterrupted struggles both within individuals and humanity.”  —Alfred Adler, Psychiatrist, 1870-1937 The… Read more

What’s YOUR Research Question?

Celia Berdes, PhD, Sociologist and Gerontologist In our work with elders, we sometimes come up against a question about care or services for which there is no clear answer. In many areas of clinical care, there are best practices, which… Read more